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Using the well-known, new possibilities
Touch read berriarekinWord optimized path in 2013, documents can be diverted afinger rolls in. Changes will review documents and increased document editing.
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Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Plus also no additional softwarezabespyachennyadlya edit PDF, Adobe Acrobat is a direct competitor.
exceeds 2013 a new feature that automatically flashes betezKanpoko Please complete the highlighted cell. Excel analyzes the entire board, and the detected value of the relationship between the cells or the text suggests. Excel also allows you tostvaratstablitsy and graphics, and generates offers similar manner. quick analysis function in Microsoft Office 2013 table lists some of the formatting options.
PowerPoint presenter mode is divided into different opinions 2013Dva audience and presenter. Gainberri presentation, bulleted lists, andwhich can enter vystupaemozha display more information. Tablets, the slide gesture can be changed with the help of gestures, hand painted, film, talk or use the virtual laser pointer.
In all kinds, the Outlook 2013 brings together the menu are no appointments, contacts and tasks.Prospects for 2013 poshtytabletkaTeper they respect, and if you want to view a larger area of open lists review.
OptimizatuErabilera touch and minimalist design, Windows 8
If you are using Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Plus, you will notice that you have a dramatic change. famous tapetape at neobhidnostitilkypashyrae and optimizes the operation of the fingerprint touch screens.
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In addition to images, videos can be embedded into HTML-code, Microsoft Office 2013Profesional Plus. All applications for the touch-optimized audio modes.
Microsoft Office2013 Professional Plus uses the one for Windows 8the minimalist design, mosaic, and it all seems to fit well. Large, expressive icons important funktsiyScho regard to this, a new template spreadsheet and presentation templates offer spectacular.
Conclusion: The improved throughout the Office suite
Microsoft Office 2013 ProfessionalPlus it has many karysnyhfunktsy, and allows you to selectively erabiltzekoOntouch screen device. Unfortunately, Office Suite pills nothing. Many of the elements and options for non-small fingers.